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EastPAC Meeting, March 2015

Leschi Council

Terri Johnston, SPD, spoke about the history of Block Watches. The program started in the 70’s but has diminished due to budget cuts and decreasing support from SPD. Captain Davis is a big supporter of Block Watches and feels the neighbors have much to offer in keeping their area safe.

The disappointing news was that Chief O’Toole has decided to transfer Captain Davis to West Seattle. In the 13 months that Captain Davis has been in the East Precinct, there have been many successes and more openness. Davis is a community person, approachable and a good listener. We have had constantly changing leadership in our precinct and it is especially discouraging when someone like Captain Davis is transferred.

Davis’ monthly report (based on reported incidents) indicated that car prowls are down and car thefts down 33%, but residential burglaries are up.

A report from the Gang Unit stated that gangs are vying for territory, with specific mention of a shooting at 26th & Washington where a rival gang car was rammed and shots fired.

The problem house near 27th & Spring was investigated with a narcotics warrant. The SPD had help from the DEA and confiscated both drugs and 7 weapons. The Feds could seize the property and sell it, but they are currently working with the extended family for resolution.

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