Zoom into our October Meeting!
Our featured speaker is Lawrence Pitre, Central District artist who has proposed creating a mural for the 2-story retaining wall on 31st, just south of S. Jackson St. The community is invited to ask questions and comment on this proposal. We tried to have this program last January, but snow intervened and by the time we had an opening in our schedule, the pandemic was upon us and community meetings were a no-no!
In our February issue of the Leschi News, Pitre was interviewed by local artist Esther Ervin and he talked about his roots in the Central District and his mentorship from Jacob Lawrence. As noted on his website: https://www.lcpitre.com/artist-bio: “Personally, Lawrence sees his artistic endeavors as self-expressions depicting life experiences, which includes struggles, joy, and his love of life. Lawrence seeks to understand the process of creativity in the way a theoretical physicist seeks to understand the universe. His selection process is a spiritual layering which, when you step back seems to float within the universe we live in. He calls this process natural “intelligence.” It is a key aspect of Pitre’s philosophy as he explores different art forms, styles and unique works of art.” ~Interviewed and compiled by Esther Ervin
We will also have a speaker from the Health Department to bring us up to date on Covid-19 and answer our questions.
Topic: Leschi Community Council
Time: Oct 7, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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