Election Forum at Community Meeting on Monday, October 7 at 7pm
Please join us for our election forum to get up close and personal with the two candidates for position 8, Tanya Woo and Alexis Mercedes-Rinck. Whoever wins the seat will have significant influence on the policies, laws, and funding mechanisms that make our city work (or not, depending on your perspective). Please email us any topics or questions you would like the candidates to address to leschicouncil@gmail.com.
The format of the discussion with the candidates will be that of a debate, with time-limited statements, answers and rebuttals from each candidate. We will have prepared questions, based on what we hear from the community. To the extent possible we will entertain questions from the floor.
Additionally, we will discuss with a representative of the city what's behind the $1.5 billion Seattle Transportation Levy that will be on the ballot. What is it funding over the coming 8 years, what types of projects are earmarked, which projects may affect Leschi residents? You can find out more about the levy at seattle.gov/transportation/about-us/funding/levy-proposal. Send us your questions to leschicouncil@gmail.com.
The meeting will be held in our usual space at Grace United Methodist Church at 722 30th Ave S. Bring your neighbors! Doors open at 6:30pm, snacks and bottled water will be provided.
The meeting date has been changed from the usual first Wednesday to meet the needs of the candidates.