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Janice Merrill Brown

President's Message

Hello Fellow Leschi Dwellers,

First the business. We will not have our monthly LCC meeting in May. Hopefully for our June meeting, we will be able to gather together again. We are also still pausing a decision as to our Leschi Art Walk taking place in September. We expect to know by our next newsletter publication at the end of May.

Here we are still in the midst of being “safe at home”. What is fascinating about this ‘enemy’ of ours, is that it crosses all nations, cultures, races, religions and economic circumstances. The amazing consequence is a collection of the most brilliant minds in the world working together to create a cure and or vaccine for this virus. It has caused most of us to slow down, be kinder, more understanding and thoughtful. Those with children have the opportunity to really know those little humans and engage in family time. There is an inordinate amount of sharing, striving toward a common goal and I truly believe our inner lives will be forever changed. Change can be scary, uncomfortable and yet ultimately amazing results will come from it.

Do not feel you are alone. We all have insecurities we don’t want to let on we have. It’s really okay. This is a time to engage with others and make certain we take care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. You are not alone...I promise you.

I am sharing a “Break out of a Rut in 30 days” plan with you from our work group you may find interesting. Some of you may know I am a long-time real estate broker and our business is social in nature. I personally have been challenged on some days to stay upbeat and engaged. I’m pretty sure others reading this newsletter have felt the same way.

Here it is:

a. Exercise Daily—what you are able to do

b. Don’t drink calories—soda, alcohol

c. Don’t sleep too much or too little

d. Never skip meals

e. Never allow negativity around you.

f. Journal

g. Pray

h. Say what you are grateful for

i. Review your written goals

j. Laugh daily

k. Personal growth—books, audio

l. Do a hobby daily

m. Focus on others

n. Protect and limit alone time

o. If working, don’t work more than 50 hrs./week

*If any of you have questions about this plan, please feel free to contact me.

Finally, now more than any other time, hold those doctors, nurses, first responders, grocery workers, delivery people, truck drivers and the research scientists working diligently to deliver cures, assistance, hope, and those who care for the grieving in your hearts, minds and thoughts. Pray, in whatever way is of comfort to you, for their safety and a swift resolution to this common, new enemy of ours.

Call someone, send a note to your police precinct, mailman, neighbors, friends or simply reach out and express gratitude for those in your life. If you need anything at all—even to hear another voice, please call. We are there for you.

I wish you health, lots of laughter, peace and an outlook for our future that will be inclusive. You matter. Always remember that.

My heartfelt regards for you and your family.

~Janice Merrill Brown President, Leschi Community Council

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