Seward Park Luminaria 2019!
We had a peaceful beautiful event on 12/14/2019 setting out around 1100 little white bags with sand and candles all along Lake Washington Blvd. Folks walked along from the Seward Park entrance past the Lakewood Marina up to the Hydro Pit Beach, even up to Mt. Baker beach: 3.4 miles in all! WOW! This year I was helped by several volunteers from Lakewood Seward Park Neighborhood Association. No wind and lots of energy; one young girl set out 100’s all around the parking lot and even heart shaped on the lawn. Fantastic!

2019 Luminaria, photo courtesy Brogan Thomsen
I started this 27 years ago with the simple idea to copy Greenlake and ‘split the crowd’ bringing the pathway of lights to our south end. The Parks department thought I was nuts to try this, but over the years we have developed a good system; they even provide the sand. Our event is always the same night as the Christmas Ships visit Ferdinand Street Boat Launch. Lots of people said they always enjoy our efforts; even got feedback from joggers the next morning as I was cleaning up. A few neighbors even pitched in by gathering 25 bags into a group, made for easier loading into my van; good work, thanks.
Please let me and Seattle Parks know any feedback. I want to see this continue! Join in next year if you like, check schedule and pics on our Facebook group “Seward Park Luminaria.” Just come early and I’ll give you a lighter. Whoo hoo!
Backstory links:
And the PI article:
~Brogan Thomas