Executive Board Meeting minutes
October 7, 2019—Attending: Janice Merrill Brown, Trevor Lalish-Menagh, Diane Snell
Treasury report; will be in Nov. newsletter; Janet in Portugal
Items left from September Board meeting:
1. Flo Ware event. Diane suggested that she and John draft an inclusive plan and run it by Katie Busby and then the Board as the two of us have a long history with Flo Ware programs. Board agreed.
2. Ad campaign: Janice suggested that she go after ads to make up the deficit in exchange for her ad free each month. We will work on a solution and bring it back to the Board.
November program: Who was Leschi? Presented by Leschi School
Janice needs STAR awards for Randy and Buzz who were unable to attend the meeting in May
Diane has been working with faculty and parents from Leschi School for the November program.
Dec. program: need someone to contact FOGO for Holiday program and someone to do food: Janice agreed to take this on.
Newsletter issues; still uncertain about moving to new format. Diane will need help picking up paper and going to Bulk Mail Center as she is still not cleared to drive. Janice can do both.
Janice rec’d two messages from concerned Leschi residents about a proposed mural on the big wall at Jackson and 31st St. This first came up at a CANDC meeting where the artists asked for support, but they had no clearance from SDOT. SDOT considered the “owner” of streets, sidewalks and retaining walls like these. Both Diane and Trevor were at this meeting but nothing more has transpired, and it was a surprise that folks were taking vegetation off the wall. SDOT seems to know nothing about it according to one resident. When Leschi wanted to something with the proposed Lake Dell retaining wall, we worked with SDOT and were told that murals were off the table as the upkeep was too demanding. We were given the choice of a molded wall at great cost and a “living” wall of plants that would climb the wall (but not English ivy). We voted and opted for the living wall but in the end, construction of the wall did not allow a planting space in front of it. Nature seems to be taking over with plants creeping over the wall from the back with no LCC involvement.
Africatown is holding a candidate forum on Oct. 25 at the Senior Center and has requested that other organizations support them by promoting the event and bringing some refreshments. The Board agreed to that request. Janice has cookies left from our recent forum.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.
~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell