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Diane Snell

It Does Take A Village

There is always a sense of excitement as we approach September and another newsletter season, especially with the ArtWalk to promote. What I didn’t expect was to be laid up during this critical period. A nasty fall resulted in two compression fractures in my lower back and a “do not drive” admonition from the doctor. When I was unable to show up at the Senior Center Member Meeting, Peggy Herman stepped forward and wrote the notes about the critical need for raising funds quickly in their efforts to become independent. And neighbors Mike Nelson and Janet Oliver offered to do the newsletter preparation: picking up the printed copy at Pacific Publishing in Georgetown and putting all the labels on, bundling them by zip code so I could complete the post office bulk mail form.

Our grandson Jason took the news to the Bulk Mail Center and finally the newsletter was on its way to Leschi residents, thanks to the willing help of friends and neighbors (and family of course!) Mike and Janet have offered to do the October issue as well as I must heal before I can drive again.

We received the newsletter late as the printer had lost building space and their trimming machine and had to send the papers to an outside source; this meant not only late delivery but a $200 fee for trimming. Ouch! Head printer Richard has suggested switching to a tabloid form (like the Madison Park Times) to avoid trimming costs. After checking with our layout artist and getting the OK, we decided to switch. We hope you like the fresh look with this different format; our printer said this offers a color possibility to us if we have the ad revenue to support it!

We need to thank Brandon Macz, Madison Park Times editor, for putting the ArtWalk announcement on NextDoor Leschi. With all that was going on, we forgot! Brandon has been a joy to work with; he wants the neighborhood news and gives us generous reminders about their deadlines. We appreciate him coming to the ArtWalk each year and taking photos.

And we would like to acknowledge all our readers who looked at their mailing label and said “Oops!” when they saw they were late on dues and quickly renewed, along with many generous donations. This support will keep the presses rolling! The entire LCC Board extends a hearty thank you!

~Diane Snell, Editor

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