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President’s Message

Janice Merrill Brown

Hello Leschi Friends,

It is hard to believe we are on the edge of the Fall season. We will be resuming programs beginning in October, our normal meeting days of the first Wednesday of the month. October 2, 2019 will be a candidate forum commencing at 7pm. We are working on confirming the candidates who will be attending.

We want to bring programs of interest to you and would love to hear topics that you would enjoy.

I would really like to encourage your participation in the Leschi Community Council if you feel you have a little time to contribute. As with many volunteer positions, responsibilities can tax those giving their time. The weight is lighter when shared with more hands. Please let one of us know if you can carve out a bit of time to keep our Council vibrant and informative.

As we begin to get ready for the fall season, and put away our water toys, make it a point to get to know one neighbor a month. Many people are hesitant to reach out and an engaged neighborhood has its own special energy and cohesiveness.

And finally, please come and support our 8th Annual Leschi ArtWalk on September 14th. We have some exciting new vendors in additional to local artists that love showcasing their talents. And we are looking for additional volunteers to help the Leschi ArtWalks in the future.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Merrill Brown, President of LCC

Attention: Students Who Need Community Service Hours! Volunteer for the ArtWalk day; tasks are light, but we have lost our three usual student volunteers as they have family obligations. If you can volunteer for that day, please contact No heavy lifting!

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