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President’s Message

Janice Merrill Brown

Greetings Fellow Leschi Dwellers,

As I sit here on a chilly January afternoon, I am grateful we are in a mild climate and not in the Midwest and East Coast with wicked snowstorms. Spring will soon be upon us.

Please join us for the pre-Valentine’s Day celebration Saturday, February 9 in the dining hall at the Community Center. Tickets are still available and our wine tasting will be courtesy of Steve at Grocery Outlet. He will be offering 20% discounts for six bottles or more. We have a Brazilian jazz group, The Rio Thing, that will give you a chance to dust off your dancing shoes and take your sweetheart out before Valentine’s Day and avoid the crowds on the 14th. See the cover of this issue for more information.

SAVE THE DATE: In March, we will be offering another phase of the earthquake preparedness program. We will be working in conjunction with the Madrona neighborhood. Stay tuned for further details in the March newsletter, and mark your calendars for March 6 at 7pm, our usual meeting time.

I want to give a big shout out thank you to Diane Snell, our fearless LCC Secretary and general go-to person. She and her husband, Jim, are so integral to our Community Council. I must also mention and thank John Barber for his tireless work on behalf of landscaping and the Seattle Parks Department. Janet Oliver is our beloved Treasurer and even when she is off on rowing adventures, she is still hands on with our books. Trevor Menagh-Lalish and Tracy Biers round out our Board and they are the point people in the earthquake preparedness programs. They are passionate about everyone being safe in the event of a tremblor in our area.

February is a time when we begin to think springtime thoughts, flowers and trees are beginning to bud and bloom and the days are getting longer. As you move into this month, how are you going to bloom where you are? What special plans do you have with family, travel plans, grandchildren, new relationships and old friends? Always take the time to remember those who live in your heart.

I wish you the Happiest Valentine’s Day—a day for remembering to love and to be loved.

Janice Merrill Brown, LCC President

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