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Diane Snell

The CASC Quest for Independence: Senior Center Update

The focus of the October member meeting was how to advocate for the purchase of the building. Director Dian Ferguson had invited John Perkins to advise us on content both for letter writing and for speaking. Speakers at a City Council hearing have only 2 minutes to get their point across and it is imperative to practice so one concentrates on the main points delivered in a very short amount of time. Perkins also told us that letters should not be more than one page and again focus on the main points. The idea of this is to get the transfer of the building into the new budget; if it is not there, there will be no discussion in the upcoming year.

Other items: Dian emphasized that there is not further need for study; an analysis of the slope has already been done and it is not feasible for building unless one has 5–7 million dollars handy to firm up the slope. What we don’t want is further study; that is Seattle’s classic tactic for not deciding and pushing it down the road...perhaps even to the next mayor!

Monthly expenses for operation at the Center are $7000, which includes utilities.

The delay in resurfacing the parking lot is causing constant increases in cost: estimate is now $125,000. Cost of replacing the windows for more efficiency is $34,000. Cost of painting the interior is $5000–6000. The Center cannot get grants for this type of repair while there is no certainty about long-term use of the building.

Coming up next month is Spa Day! This takes place on November 19 (in time to be beautiful for Thanksgiving!) You must sign up ahead of time for the service (s) you wish: haircut, pedicure or manicure. Suggested donation is $5 per service. Spa Day will be held in the dining room from 1–6pm.

The rest of the meeting was given to the explanation of choices during the Medicare Open Season. Judy Ellis is the resident expert on this.

~Diane Snell

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