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Executive Board Meeting minutes

August 6, 2018—Attending: Janice Merrill Brown, Trevor Menagh-Lalish, Janet Oliver, Diane Snell, Tracy Bier, John Barber and guest Darrell Howe.

New Business

Janet: treasury report. Janet had sent Board members a message from Pam Sheets, who volunteers in Frink Park. She was asking for $1200 for removal of three non-native aggressive trees. Janet felt we should be familiar with this request and ask appropriate questions before our meeting where she would ask for a vote. John Barber checked with Parks and Darrell Howe and apparently, these trees had been identified for removal years before. The vote was in favor if we could receive the park plan for this area before releasing funds. Janet pointed out the SW Frink Park sub-account that shows enough money to cover the request. Decision was to send a letter to Pam with our request and what are plans for replacement. Darrell indicated there were funds in the Frink Park account that could be used for replacement trees.

Janice: Nuisance property: 1126 29th Ave. S (8/2 email sent by Janice). This area is not in Leschi or in Judkins Park but in a narrow strip of properties that should belong to Mt. Baker but are north of the I-90 Bridge and generally get no representation. It was decided to take the issue to CANDC and then to East-PAC where it belongs. Tracy will draft a letter to East PAC to be sent by Janice on behalf of LCC

John: Parks/Marina: John has requested that Marina Management come to our October meeting to answer some questions about the status and future plans. There has been concern that plans will push out the smaller sailboat owners and bring in large motorized craft that are hard on the shores (erosion). He did indicate that we should have a back-up plan in case they declined. Diane suggested some pro and con discussions about critical ballot issues and this was agreed to.

John had sent a letter to Seafair folks requesting that areas in Leschi NOT be mowed. He also reported that the Madison Park Times had a big article on CASC plans to purchase the building (page 13)

Tracy: Next LCC earthquake preparedness meeting: Scheduled for November meeting. Trevor and Tracy will work on it and try to include the Madrona Council. Tracy agreed to use the table we have reserved and paid for at the ArtWalk to get folks interested and prepared for November.

Diane: ArtWalk update: both permits (Leschi Park and Special Events) obtained and paid for. The artists’ apps are slowly coming in. Janice said she would be taking two booths for Mary Garvey’s glasswork.

Newsletter deadline: August 20. Jim Snell’s idea was proposed that we rename the JUNE issue the Summer Issue and order more copies to keep distributing them through the summer. We ran out in early August. Agreement.

September meeting: Kshama confirmed. We will ask for broad economic view and specifics on what kind of funding can meet city’s needs without burdening taxpayers more than they already are, and will be presenting our local concerns. All Politics are ultimately local. John and Tracy to submit critical issues.

East Precinct picnic will be in the street (11th?) next to the precinct and NOT at Powell Barnett Park. General agreement is that we not have a table, as Leschi folks do not attend that location.

Diane suggested that we write a letter of thanks to Parks for the wading pool hours. Agreed.

Old Business

Not addressed: The Board officers had met at Bank of America and signed appropriate forms for check writing prior to the meeting so that piece of unfinished business resolved.

A proposed Leschi Star nomination form was on the back of the agenda and not discussed but Diane wishes to try it out at the ArtWalk.


Once a year we honor Leschi Stars, those folks or groups who have made a big difference in Leschi. Please use this form to nominate someone (or group) that you feel should be recognized.

Who are you nominating?

What is their contact information?

Tell us why this person is a STAR! Be specific.

How do these activities enrich life in Leschi?

Your name:

Your contact information:

Email to OR

Mail to LCC, 140 Lakeside Ave. Suite A, #2, Seattle 98122

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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