Executive Board Meeting minutes
April 9, 2018—Attending: Janice Merrill Brown, Janet Oliver, Diane Snell, Tracy Bier
Janet submitted treasury report.
New Business
Janice: Home Bank switch: Janet to check with the bank and see what features they have online and will report back next month.
Leschi Park work party: Janice’s firm Keller-Williams has taken on the cleanup of Leschi Park on for their day of community giving: the 2nd Thursday in May. She met with Parks rep, John Barber and Sally Wagner about what needs doing. Their vendors will provide lunch; Leschi Market will supply bottled water.
May Program: Panel discussion about the changes in neighborhoods. Janice will be away at a convention but will get info to Janet on honorarium check. She will work with Diane for program description.
Vacation: Janice gone 4/11–4/18.
May Board Meeting: Senior Center not available; we will meet at BluWater.
Tracy: recap of April meeting. She was pleased with the large attendance and with the program but feels that we need to go further and do something before next November. She would like to see a group form to take on the Hubs program. Diane suggested an ArtWalk booth and Tracy wondered about the East Precinct picnic in July. Diane gave Tracy info about a $1500 grant to help develop and promote Hubs.
Diane: Election reminder: this could go fast at May meeting if someone would propose voting on group as a slate.
ArtWalk: Leschi CC should sponsor three booths: their own, one on Hubs and a Voter Registration booth.
Flo Ware event: Each year we do a children’s event in Flo Ware Park to celebrate Flo Ware’s birthday. Diane has asked Katie Busby if she and Christine Miller will do this again. She has not rec’d an answer yet.
Newsletter deadline: April 16.
Other newsletter info: we are short two ads (a ¼ and a business card size). Janice is working on a ¼ page ad for her business. Paper costs are rising according to printer. Some issues around getting Madrona’s half of bulk mail cost.
June Program: Diane has invited CM Sawant but no confirmation yet. Leschi Stars will be presented; we have received two nominations so far. Diane suggested it would be a good time for Bill Caldwell and Dianne Ramsey Gayton to report on their research into Met Park policy on allocating funds for park maintenance.
Wine Tasting event: Diane reminded group that part of our agreement with the Senior Center is that we do a fundraiser (typically has been a wine tasting) but Yousef says they are too busy. Janice asked about Grocery Outlet doing a tasting. Need to check this out.
Old Business
Janice: the LCC logo. She would like to see something like the “L” that Leavitt uses in its advertising.
Diane CD investment: Yuki had mentioned the options before she resigned. Need to check it out with the Brenton group leader, Robert Cippolone.
Donation Policy: We need to pull this into a formal policy for the bylaws.
Controversy over Frink Park changes made by volunteer that reduces group space.