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President’s Message

Janice Merrill Brown

Happy almost New Year as this newsletter may reach you before we actually ring in 2018. As we reflect on the tumultuous year we have had with great tragedies and great triumphs, our own local community ended the year with celebrations all around.

First, there was a drive to assist children in need that attend Leschi Elementary. It was a wonderful success with lots of gift cards that were so appreciated. The Annual Gala on December 2 at the Central Area Senior Center was a magical evening—wonderful dinner, outstanding musical entertainment, lots of glitter, sparkle, terrific auction items and fun was had by all. The Leschi Community Council's annual Holiday Party was held on December 6 with a Garfield High string quartet enthralling all with mesmerizing classical music.

Now as we look forward to our year ahead and decide to resolve to do things differently, may I add the following:

Endeavor to become more involved in your community, neighborhood, committees that interest you and embrace something new. Become all you can be. Stretch your comfort zone. Try something that challenges your sensibilities. Reach out to someone who needs a smile or a kind word. Let us walk proudly in our individuality and nurture the diversity of our little gem known as Leschi (which I affectionately call the Village of Leschi).

A happy and peaceful New Year to all!

Janice Merrill Brown President, Leschi Community Council

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