Executive Board meeting minutes
December 11, 2017—Attending: Janice Merrill Brown, Trevor Menagh and Diane Snell.
The Mural Project
Three people came to make a presentation on a project they hope to pursue: Tom Goeddes from Mt. Baker, Lawrence Pitre, Director of the Central Area Chamber of Commerce, and Stephanie Tschida, who has vast experience with projects like this.
They would like to install an historical mural on the huge blank retaining wall at the corner of Jackson and 31st. They had a very nice power point presentation of possible scenarios, but no decision has been made yet on what exactly would be shown.
Permission still needs to be obtained from the City of Seattle. The three Exec. Board members present felt they could support the project, but they did not make up a quorum. One more Board member is needed to get Board support. Trevor agreed to write up the project and solicit community opinion on the Google site.
Old Business
Logo: Janice asked to move this to the January 2018 Board meeting.
Racism: Lack of contact between presenters and Board makes it impossible to present this program in January; it will be moved to later in the season.
New Business
Janice would like a program in the new year honoring folks in the community who make a difference. This should be at our annual meeting in May where we present the Leschi Star awards.
John Barber was ill and unable to make the meeting but sent an email with the following items:
The January third Saturday work party will focus on removing invasive plants along Lake Washington Boulevard, Erie to Yesler. There are plenty of blackberries to cut back and/or dig out. And, there’s a section in the middle by E Huron that needs to be completely cleared and mulched.
The neighbors along SW Frink Park (Dee Boersma) have reached a compromise about their issues with a change of landscaping that was underway without their participation.
No word on the Marinas except that Parks does have a long-term lease executed and is working on applying for the permits. Our look at the design is somewhere down the line. In the meantime, a group in the Lakewood neighborhood is preparing to sue before the hearing examiner.
Diane: Dec. 18 is the deadline for the January issue of the Leschi News. We have lost the 2 ads from Uncle Ike’s: the pot store and the auto wash. Diane requested that Janice meet with Dian Ferguson re: the rent for our meetings. We do not have a current contract and we are not receiving any invoices. Our treasurer will not make payments without an invoice.
Donations to Leschi School Giving Garland program: $200 from LCC, $210 from Leschi’s Mason Bee project and many individual donations from Leschi residents.
Next Board meeting: Jan 8 at 7pm in the Technology room at Senior Center.
~minutes respectfully submitted by Diane Snell