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Executive Board Meeting minutes

September 11, 2017


Janet submitted current report and John had some questions about Flo Ware. Janet said all the expenses have not been submitted yet. There was clarification that the Frink Park expenditures were from a King Conservation grant, or basically they were funds from a $45,000 grant are passed through the LCC. Janet requested that we purchase an endorsement stamp due to the number of small checks received re: ArtWalk. General agreement to purchase a stamp but asked Janet to see if we HAVE to use the bank stamp or if we can purchase something cheaper. Some discussion about the exorbitant fees charged by Special Events (now located in the Office of Economic Development rather than Parks.) Action: Diane to pursue this change and report back.

Old Business

Logo: Only one person contacted Janice and he has not yet sent in a design. She will write a follow-up for the newsletter.

CANDC representative: Janice to appoint Patrick Kane if he is willing to attend Board meetings to report back. Due to the fact that there will be a Vulcan rep at this Thursday’s meeting, Janice will draft a letter re: our concerns about New Seasons and their negative employee policies (esp. the lack of a sick leave policy) as an inappropriate replacement for Red Apple, which is a union store.

Potential Committees: Janice suggested a Program Committee and the Board enthusiastically jumped on the topic and suggested program topics through next March. Tracy is working on the October program to feature our new crime prevention officer and the topic of safety and block watches to work on a preparedness program for March.

New Business

Young Entrepreneurs Presentation: Janice spoke about a 6th grader who operated the cotton candy machine at the ArtWalk and felt it would be good to showcase these young folks; program slated for February.

General Discussion: Racism. We are in agreement that we will have a meeting on racism in January at the Senior Center. Diane will contact two folks who presented this type of program for city employees.

John Barber: He felt that there were still a lot of questions about the moorage contract. There was general agreement that the sewage issue is the most pressing. Janet shared that the slower the speedboats go, the greater the wake. An unfortunate incident at the Rowing Center was the upending and breaking in two of a $30,000 boat in the wake of a speedboat. Action: John to write a letter to Parks re: our concerns and wants more information about public meetings planned as Marina Management develops designs.

Work Parties: John reminded everyone of the 3rd Saturday work party at the S. Dearborn street end.

Wade Vaughn Memorial: There was agreement that reprinting and updating the Leschi Diary would be an appropriate memorial if the family agrees. It was obvious at the ArtWalk that residents were trying to get copies of this book.

Diane Snell: October newsletter deadline is Sept. 18. We were fortunate to attract a very qualified volunteer, Staci Smith, to take on the task of being editor of the newsletter through the end of the year.

Volunteer Needs: While Diane is recovering from hip surgery and unable to drive, we need some volunteers. Tracy offered to take Jim to Pacific Printing to pick up the October newsletter. John will do the Bulk Mail Center run again with Jim. Tracy also felt she could help with distributing the newsletter to the various merchants, library, etc.

Next Meetings: October 4 Public meeting on Safety; October 9th Board Meeting

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell


We want to start printing the treasury report so residents have an idea of what it costs us to operate. There are two main categories: General funds (your dues and ad revenue) which pay for the newsletter and postage as well as room rental at the Senior Center.

The other category is Restricted Funds, which refers to those funds for specific parks, projects, etc. These funds have either come from donations or grants and cannot be spent on anything else. Some of the funds in the largest restricted fund were put into a CD and that is the Officer Brenton fund. Officer Brenton was shot and killed here in Leschi while on duty and generous citizens and the Police Guild have contributed a large amount to pay for the rental of the parking strip (to SDOT) and plants for the memorial site at 29th and Yesler.

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