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President’s message

Yuki Igarashi

It has been such a pleasure serving as the Leschi Community Council President over the past several months. I especially want to thank the wonderful members of the board over the last year; each person provided so much support and wisdom as I came onto the board as a neighborhood newbie. This is my last President’s message, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Council. As a reminder, this is also the last newsletter for a few months; distributions will start again in September, as usual. Please check the website for updates. Summer events, including work parties, will be updated on the online calendar.

Please join us at our June community meeting on June 7. We plan to hold elections for President and Vice President of the LCC (we are still looking for candidates for both positions - please reach out if you are interested!), present the Leschi Star award, and share a brief update on parks, including accomplishments and goals moving forward. As a reminder, this will be our last community meeting before we break for the summer; community meetings will reconvene on September 6.

Started in 2013, the Leschi Star award honors one or more Leschi neighbor each year that has made a difference!

~Yuki Igarashi

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