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submitted by Diane Snell

Executive Board meeting minutes

November 9, 2016—Attending: Yousef Shuman, Yuki Igarashi, Amy Fink, Jeff Floor, John Barber, Diane Snell and guest from Iora, Brian Aylward.

Treasury: Amy to meet with Diane on ArtWalk funds before sending us an emailed Treasury report for October.

Senior Center: report from Diane on current issues

  • Rent Increase to $75; Board agreed. Diane has asked for agreement in writing.

  • Annual fundraiser? Yousef will discuss with Dian Ferguson

  • Holiday Fair this Sat.: The 2 Dianes will staff the table; Diane S. to pay the $15 fee.

  • Dian F. asked that LCC reserve a table at the Holiday Gala. Board agreed to the $700 option. Not all Board members free to come due to workplace holiday events. Agreed to offer unused seats to Center members who might not be able to afford the cost.

Parks: John

  • Leschi Park will get a Noble Fir to replace one of the removed diseased trees. Scheduled to get two more trees next year (possibly Gerry Oaks, native species)

  • Camping issue: Need to have safe and sanitary facilities for homeless folks with easy access to services. Requested that we meet with CM Sawant as she favors opening up parks, etc. Diane to contact CM Sawant re: invite to next Board Meeting.

  • Shoreline Parks: now 139. Some adjacent homeowners have a different view from the original one. They would prefer to keep the public out. Karen Daubert who worked on the Leschi Pearls wants to come back as a supporter. Shoreline parks may be seen on SDOT interactive online map.

Land Use: Jeff: The Central Area Design Guidelines Coalition, is working on drawing up design guidelines unique to the Central Area. They have just hired a consultant (through the city) to assist in the visioning process and to write the document that will eventually become city ordinance. The Coalition consists of several groups: 23rd Avenue ACT, the Central Area Collaborative, HCAACD, LURC and the African-American Veterans.

Website: Yousef OK’ed using WIX; he has already learned it for updates. Diane responsible for calendar and ads. Website costs to be decided by email.

December Program: Garfield student concert with refreshments. Decision that raffle items not picked up after ArtWalk can be given away at Holiday party.

Newsletter: Deadline 11/21. Kirsten plans to continue through June. Suggestion: talk to Chris at Park Postal. Dues letter can be sent now that IRS issue resolved.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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