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Submitted by Diane Snell

Executive Board meeting minutes

August 10, 2016—Attending: Yousef Shulman, Yuki Igarashi, Amy Fink, Jeff Floor, Diane Snell

Treasury: Amy reported that the IRS forms must be sent to the US Treasury Dept. for review; she is waiting for some information from the state. She urged bylaw changes to include an annual audit, a requirement that all officers have the ability to sign (currently the requirement is for the President, Vice President and Treasurer), and to formalize the previous Board approval of a $500 spending limit for the President without getting prior Board approval.

Restricted funds: Diane requested a monthly report on the restricted funds; we need a new category for Art in the Park. We need to review these funds monthly to ensure revenue and debits are going into the appropriate fund. Once a year, we need to let the chairs of these funds know the amounts in their respective fund. We need to discuss the multiple accounts for all the parks and need to make a decision about the Cherry St. Corridor. Diane will check with Thurston as a last resort in discovering the origin of this fund.

LURC: Jeff reported that Capitol Hill Housing is working with HCAACD; Vulcan will have a gate at the cut through to 24th which will be closed at night (not what LURC envisioned); Rainier and Dearborn project planned with mixed use, but cutting back on retail. City People’s site: another design meeting to be held re: connecting with area down below (per SDOT). Jeff questioned the Board about CD project boundaries concerning where design review meetings will be held. The fact that the Promenade 23 meeting was held in Columbia City confused folks who are used to attending such meetings at Seattle U. Among the various choices, putting the CD south boundary at I-90 seemed most sensible in keeping the meetings more in this area.

Parks: John Barber absent; Diane mentioned his issue: getting word out about the wading pool,

Website: Board members agreed to contract for the most part. Amy felt that more than one person should be trained on Word Press. Yousef to address with Kirsten.

Stairways: 33rd & Lane for August project. Diane suggested moving the work parties to the String of Pearls to give them a boost. Verbal assent from Board.

Programs: Judith Bentley in September; October forum on Prop I and some initiatives. Board felt that the public knew the candidates and we could concentrate on the sometimes obscure initiatives. Vulcan will come in November.

Public Health & Safety: Tracy was not able to attend but Yousef spoke on her “Before Someone Dies” project requesting cameras in affected areas. Some concerns about cameras voiced but if neighborhood agrees on this, then it is their choice. Police on board; need City Council approval.

Newsletter deadline: August 22. Bylaw changes must be announced two months ahead of vote so will appear in Sept and October.

Frisbee: what started out as flag football became an ultimate Frisbee game to benefit the Rainier Valley Food Bank. Details to be worked out later, but in time for the September newsletter.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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