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submitted by Diane Snell

Executive Board meeting minutes

September 14, 2016—Attending: Yousef Shulman, Yuki Igarashi, Amy Fink, Tracy Bier and Diane Snell.

Treasury: Amy emailed the treasury report with these comments: “Regarding the attached report: please note that I haven’t yet reconciled the restricted funds section to reflect the ArtWalk. Everything that’s been paid out or received was recorded, but not yet sorted out between the operating and restricted funds.” And other items to note: “I had another talk with Bank of America. They walked back their assertion that we’d need to submit another signature card to open a savings account. They also said that there were more options for business savings that weren’t presented before, and that we may have been assigned a ‘remote’ personal banker in the wake of the local branch closing. So, I’ll contact our banker and investigate interest bearing savings accounts for our restricted funds. Our CD has been automatically rolled into another 9-month CD at the same rate as the last one.”

Restricted/unrestricted funds update: review postponed until debits/credits are reconciled for ArtWalk. Raffle winners that could not be reached: Yousef suggested putting the names in the newsletter.

Frisbee competition: Amy asked about naming the teams for the newsletter; decision made on “trophy” for winning team. Amy asked Diane to call the insurance company re: any liability but we will get waivers signed for players. We may need canopies to cover food tables as no one seems to have tailgates anymore.

Parks: John on vacation through 9/27; other vacations gathered from Board members.

Marketing: Yuki reported on mailing to all of Leschi and what it would cost. Chris at Park Postal verified that if the Leschi newsletter qualifies for the USPS program, the cost could be as low as $0.17 to 0.24 per newsletter, and we can narrow down participants by carrier route. He estimated about 1400 homes in the area, or $238 - 336 per month to send the newsletter to all Leschi residents (a la Madrona). I don’t know what is being spent on shipping the newsletter now, but it seems like if we qualify, and if the assumptions are somewhat accurate, this is a relatively cost efficient way to spread the awareness of LCC and Leschi newsletter. Diane said that the cost for our 16-page newsletter is 24 cents a copy if we meet the number in a zip code (125). Years ago we mailed to the entire community twice a year: for our June rummage sale (we no longer do this) and the December Holiday party. It seems that the obvious time now would be the September issue, with the ArtWalk.

Website: Yousef reported that Kirsten would soon have some designs available for us to look at.

Programs: Diane said that Gwen Rench was working with her on the October forum covering Sound Transit Prop & Carbon WA in one hour, leaving time for Bylaw changes. Diane suggested reading one change at a time and then voting on that one; can take the two-signature form for any questions about non-invoice payment.

Nov. Program: Vulcan; interest in this meeting has been expressed by community members and Rev. Manaway from Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church.

Tracy: Before Someone Dies project; waiting for appts. with City Councilmembers but hopes to hear something from the police.

Newsletter: Deadline is 9/19/16 for October; suggested articles: Frisbee competition; ArtWalk

Diane: Submitted a proposal for increased advertising rates. The rates are far lower than market rates and have been the same for the last 10-12 years. We would not increase rates until Jan. 2017, as we did not send prior notice to our current advertisers. Board agreed to these rates and suggested that once we have website ads, we offer a combo rate and a website only rate.

Board meeting space: Diane met with Brian Aylward at Iora. They have a community room, which they were interested in offering to a community group, and apparently, she was the only one to respond. The space has parking, is accessible and roomy enough to accommodate visitors. Our meetings have always been open to the public, but the public may not want to come to someone’s house and few of our houses are accessible in this challenging topography. Board accepted this with the provision that we change our meeting time to 7-8:30, rather than start at 7:30.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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