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submitted by Diane Snell

Executive Board meeting minutes

June 8, 2016—Attending: Yousef Shulman, Yuki Igarashi, Amy Fink, John Barber, Tracy Bier and Diane Snell. Minutes are approved by email.

Treasurer’s report: Amy had just obtained access to the online version of the bank account and will distribute the monthly report by email. She had recommendations going forward: electronic banking and an annual audit of our books. No vote was taken on an audit at this meeting.

Annual insurance bill: Yousef suggested paying the bill by credit card, as the due date is the 12th.

Flo Ware recap: (Diane) Very successful event as it was Children’s Choir Day at Tabernacle Missionary Church and these children joined the LCC group. The Balloon man and wife team made various balloon shapes from Cinderella to a gray whale…anything the children requested! Hot Dogs were contributed by Leschi Market, Pizza from Central Pizza and rolls, juices and condiments from Grocery Outlet. Organizer Katie Busby suggested that we coordinate the event date with the church next year to maximize attendance.

Powell Barnett event in July (Diane) East Precinct picnic on the 16th. Wading pool will be open every weekend 11-7 from July 2 through August 21. The East Precinct will send a flyer, which we can distribute. Leschi CC will have a table; Board volunteers will be needed to staff the table. Hours: 1-4.

ArtWalk: Kim Murillo and Diane to meet on budget.

Parks: John Barber felt the big news was the wading pool. He does want to organize work parties for the String of Pearls. Yousef suggested that he talk to Stephanie, the Starbucks manager as the company likes to get the managers together for work parties in neighborhoods.

Website: Yousef postponed discussion until July meeting. Diane concerned that it would be too late for the advertising plan for the fall to include the website ad offerings along with the renewal of Leschi News ads.

Stairway: June 18 at 30th & Lane just north of Grace Methodist Church. 10am-12pm

Public Safety: Tracy. Shootings in Jackson and 28th area are gang related with disputes between North end and South end gangs, none of whom live in the affected area. Diane reported that Rev. Manaway had said there were 25 bullet holes in the outside of the church building; church was in session while the violence was occurring. Tracy has reached out to residents in the area but they seem afraid to publicly meet. They plan a potluck on June 27. Tracy is out of town. Diane offered to contact a resident she knows to see how LCC can help.

Board photos on website: A group photo was suggested and accepted.

Board contact information: Diane asked each member to review and add/correct pertinent info for internal use only, not for publication.

Community Concerns: follow-up on sandwich board signs from Avana. Suggested a letter from Board requesting their cooperation as good neighbors. Agreed. Food desert concern when Red Apple goes and no new store will appear for 2 years; many customers are elderly and disabled and walk to the store almost daily. Diane and new member, Trevor Menagh, met with Pearl Leung of Vulcan to discuss possibilities. Pearl now researching Stockbox options. Future grocery store has not yet been chosen.


New goals for Board: Keep the stairway project. Delete the Living Wall for Lake Dell, as construction has not left enough room to plant anything. John Barber suggested keeping the goal of improving relations with Parks department as new parks personnel always creates the need to establish good working relationships. Yousef suggested deleting the goal on keeping Metro bus #27 as there have been no recent threats and there is always the option to create an ad hoc committee if the need arises.

He also wants to increase membership in LCC. Diane suggested mailing to whole neighborhood occasionally (as Madrona does every month). Yuki suggested sending a trial subscription to new residents to acquaint them with the community. Yousef immediately appointed her Marketing Chair! Keep the goal of publicizing events on Next Door; Yousef will take over the posting. Yousef also wants to send email blasts closer to events as folks tend to forget.

~Minutes respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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