Yearlong Disruption to Bus #27
We just received information that the Yesler Bridge will close May 23 for structural and seismic renovation. Repairs could take up to 16 months. Bus #27 will need to detour around the bridge for the duration.
Westbound - to Downtown Seattle:
Regular route to WB Yesler Way & 6 Ave
Left on SB 6 Av S
Right on WB S Main St
Right on NB 4 Av S
Continue on NB Prefontaine Pl S
Continue on 3rd Ave
Continue on regular route
The return trip has the #27 turning left from 3rd onto James heading eastward to 6th Ave S, where it will turn right and connect with Yesler where the freeway off-ramp connects. This should add to commute time, especially on the westbound downtown trip.
~Diane Snell