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submitted by Diane Snell

Executive Board meeting minutes

May 10, 2016—Attending: Yousef Shulman, Yuki Igarashi, Amy Fink, Diane Morris and Diane Snell. Janet Oliver came to say good-bye as she is leaving the Board and to congratulate the new Board. John Barber was attending the Colman Park meeting; Tracy Bier in Alaska.

Minutes to be approved by email.

Treasury report: Amy has the records and software for QuickBooks. She will bring everything up to date and make a formal report in June. Amy brought up concerns about safety for cyclists with all the construction going on at the lake. She will connect with cyclists to hear their concerns so we can take steps. She also felt we needed some traffic police during Seafair Thursday through Sunday. It was decided to publish the Bicycle Sundays schedule in the June newsletter as well as Bicycle Rules of the Road.

Parks: Although John could not attend this Board meeting due to conflict, he did submit a written report.

  • John discovered that Michael Shiosaki of Parks wants us to raise $700 toward a Spray Park rather than open the wading pools. At this point, the Garfield CC, Madrona CC and Squire Park CC all support Leschi’s desire for the wading pools to be reopened. Letters of support will be directed to Shiosaki with copies to Jesus Aguirre (Parks Superintendent) and Kshama Sawant, District 3 City Councilmember.

  • John has not heard back from Steve Wilson yet about the stipulation of a large donation several years ago to expand the North Leschi Marina, but permit only sail boats in that marina.

  • A former neighbor in John’s area owns a steep, wooded lot and now wants to build a house there, to sell on completion. Both John and neighbors are concerned due to environmental issues and this lot is part of privately owned lands identified in the Leschi Natural Area to save by conservation or purchase by the Parks Department.

  • John wants to schedule some work parties to help maintain green spaces in Leschi, especially the shoreline street ends and the Leschi (Lake Washington Boulevard) Gateway Project.

Website: Yousef. He submitted Kirsten’s proposal for moving the website to new host and redoing it in WordPress for easier updates. Yousef is familiar with WordPress and felt he could handle the updates. Vote: four ayes; one abstention.

Stairway: Diane Morris. June: Randolph stairs. She will scope out other stairways for our summer months: July and August.

Newsletter: Early deadline due to June meeting being on June 1. Need bio info for both newsletter and website, as well as contact info for masthead and internal Board use.

Community Concerns: A-frame signs for businesses; safety at Jackson and 23rd; Colman Neighborhood had requested letter of support for their application, but Board had many questions; will learn more at CANDC meeting on May 12.

Next Meeting: Yousef said we will set goals for the year; he will appoint chairs of committees.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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