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Central Area Senior Center — Update

Diane Snell

The Central’s Name

The name of this entity was part of the discussion at January’s Member meeting at the Central Area Senior Center. The parent organization, Senior Services, recently changed its name to Sound Generations and requested that its partners, the various senior centers across the city, consider name changes as well. The Central membership wanted to keep Central Area Senior Center on its letterhead, but approved the informal use of The Central as displayed on the large wooden sign at the driveway entrance. Those discussing and voting were well beyond the baby boomer age; studies show that baby boomers have negative views of the word Senior and this could discourage that age group from joining the center.

Staffing at the Central

Interviews have narrowed the field of candidates for the Program Coordinator position to just 3; Dian Ferguson, Director, feels that a new coordinator will be in place by mid-February. Hiring part-time building attendants has proved more challenging; folks are not really looking for part-time work. Dian said they might have better luck hiring one full time attendant, but she worried that the work was hard with all the set-up of tables and work days covering the weekend evenings might not be that attractive.

The $30 challenge! Dian said that the stove and walk-in refrigerator that have been purchased are still awaiting installation. The bids for the conversion to gas for the stove have come in higher than budgeted by $3000. She said that if 100 members would donate $30 each, they could raise the needed $3000. Almost everyone at my table reached for their checkbooks, so she should have a nice start to this campaign. All donations to the Center are tax deductible.

Mysterious disappearances at The Central!

Dian expressed some disbelief and sadness at the disappearance of items from the center. They had purchased some portable heaters for the cold rooms that are not on the new heating system like the dining room; most of the heaters have walked away from the center. Likewise, 8 sets of garbage /recycling cans were purchased and 2 sets have walked away. And someone took all the silver balls off one of the Christmas trees that decorated the Center during the holiday season. Dian has trouble sleeping and often returns to the Center in the night to work on a project; she has found unauthorized people in the building who have obtained the key from someone else. The parent agency, Sound Generations, will provide security staff to do an assessment and security cameras may be installed. When one thinks of the hard work that goes into obtaining every dollar for the Center, this type of loss is very discouraging.

Dian asked that we all be good stewards of the space and question when we see something that doesn’t seem right.

~Diane Snell

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