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Volunteer for the LCC!

Diane Snell

Regularly scheduled work parties

Leschi Natural Area Work Parties

1st Saturday of each month Leschi Natural Area, 36th & Terrace. 9-3pm. Tools and lunch provided. Just show up and someone will orient you.

Leschi Area Stairway Cleanup

3rd Saturday of month is a stairway clean-up headed up by the Leschi Community Council Board.

Leschi has 31 public stairways that connect streets on steep hills. In some cases, neighbors keep them free of litter and overhanging branches. In other areas, help is needed. Bring brooms, pruners, & flat-bottom shovels are good for cleaning moss off stairs. 10-12 noon.

Check the Event Calendar to find the next stairway cleanup event.

Occasional work parties

Frink Park: contact Darrell Howe ( or Darcy Thompson (

String of Pearls: contact John Barber (

Powell Barnett: possible work party being planned on Earth Day. Watch the website for details.


Flo Ware Event: Held in spring or early summer. Help on day of event with set-up or take down.

ArtWalk Event: September. Help is always needed in set-up and take-down. Other small tasks: delivering bottled water to artists’ tables, helping artists find their tables, etc.

Student Opportunities

We can sign the community service hour forms for any of the students that participate in the work parties or events.

Poster design for events.

Attend a community meeting and report on it for the Leschi News.

Take photographs of work parties and events for our newsletter and website.

Report on news from Washington Middle or Garfield High Schools.

~Diane Snell

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