Leschi Council
Nov 21, 2021
LCC December Community Meeting
You’re just starting to fix dinner for your family and removing the ingredients from the refrigerator and ZAP! The power goes out! Not...

Leschi Council
Oct 25, 2021
Leschi Emergency Preparedness Hub
The Leschi Community Council will be conducting a Disaster Preparedness class, which was designed by Ann Forrest –...
Leschi Council
Sep 30, 2021
Candidate Forum
Join the Leschi Community Council for a candidate forum featuring mayoral candidate Bruce Harrell 7–7:30pm. (Lorena Gonzalez has a...
Leschi Council
Sep 1, 2021
October: Candidate Forum
Here is your chance to meet the two top primary candidates for the top four positions in Seattle: Mayor, City Council Positions 8 & 9,...
Leschi Council
Sep 1, 2021
Keeping Safe
The pandemic has us getting vaccinated and wearing masks to boost our personal sense of security, but there are still pesky irritants...
Leschi Council
May 1, 2021
Leschi’s Dreamcatcher - LCC May Meeting
Curious how the Dreamcatcher Sculpture came about? Join us for an informative meeting on the sculpture at the intersection of Yesler and...
Leschi Council
Apr 1, 2021
Leschi Community Council Meeting on Zoom April 7, 7pm Pacific Time (US and Canada) Friends of Street Ends (FOSE) is a city-wide...
Leschi Council
Mar 1, 2021
Lift Up in Leschi!
Please attend our March meeting and bring your ideas on how we can help the unfortunate folks who are camping out in our neighborhood...
Leschi Council
Feb 1, 2021
LCC February community meeting
Zoom to our February meeting as we discuss police reform with our Council Member Kshama Sawant! She will answer submitted questions about...
Leschi Council
Dec 1, 2020
December LCC Meeting
Happy Holidays Everyone! We regret that we cannot invite you to our usual Holiday party with drinks and snacks, but the virus surge has...
Leschi Council
Mar 1, 2020
An Invitation to the Community from the LCC
Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment by attending a suffragette meeting! You can experience what our...
Diane Snell
Mar 1, 2020
Meeting with Joseph Elenbaas, Crime Prevention Officer
We had a small but lively and informative February meeting with our local Crime Prevention Officer, Joseph Elenbaas. He has been in this...