Executive Board Meeting minutes
Monday, Sept. 9, 2019—In attendance Janet Oliver, Tracy Bier, Janice Brown, John Barber. Absent: Diane and Trevor. Call to order at 6:10. Central Area Center closed, so meeting moved to Janet Oliver’s home.
Janet Oliver presented Treasurer’s report. Janet needs help depositing funds October and November. Janice agreed to take that responsibility.
John Barber Work party for September 21, 2019 at end of Dearborn. Arthur Lee Jacobsen’s Tree tour was highly informative and interesting
Frink Park Homeless Fire John reported. There are several encampments in Frink Park. This fire was in a difficult to reach location.
Art Walk Discussed table coverage.
October Meeting Egan Orion is confirmed for our candidate panel for October 2, 2019. There was a discussion about the FloWare event and who will be involved in the future. Continue discussion at next Board meeting.
Advertising We lost the 1/2-page ad from the Leavitt Lake Center as management changed and they only contribute to United Way. Discussed the need for more advertisers. Continue conversation in October’s Board meeting.
~Submitted by Janice Brown