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Executive Board Meeting minutes

April 8, 2019—Attending: Janice Merrill Brown, Janet Oliver, Diane Snell, John Barber, Tracy Bier

Trevor on vacation.

Treasury report: Janet said the treasury was in good shape and she is collecting payment for ads.

Janice: She wants to pursue more ads for the Leschi News and pointed out some businesses that advertise in the Madison Park Times that she will approach. She asked for the ad rate sheet and Janet requested it as well. (Sent the next day to both.)

Janice felt there might be a possible tie-in with Woodland Park Zoo to the Leschi Park history that John and Diane had offered to present. John said he was overloaded and would be unable to work on it. Diane offered to review what she had and see if there was a program that would work.

Elections and conflicts of interest: Discussed the fact that we might be supporting different candidates in the upcoming elections and should do so only as individuals and not as members of the LCC. We cannot support candidates as a non-profit; we can support issues.

We had Leschi Star nominations to vote on and unanimously accepted 6 of them; the 7th needed more research and will be put aside for now. Diane will contact the winners and ask that they come to the May meeting.

ArtWalk: there had been some concern that we had lost folks who previously worked on this event and might not have enough volunteers to proceed this year. Janice and Diane felt that the LCC Board should step in and offer some assistance. Each of us can do something! Janice has many contacts in the community who could help; Janet could complete the Excel sheet of vendors that SDOT requires; John Barber agreed to contact Arthur Lee Jacobson re: tree walk in Leschi Park, and Tracy Bier will come up with a kid’s activity for the Park. Diane will continue to register vendors for the event and submit necessary permits.

John Barber: He reported on an EarthCorps event in Frink Park which attracted 40–50 kids removing invasive plants. It was quite a success.

Tracy: Is Seattle Dying? Tracy had been upset by the video and wanted us all to watch it and discuss at the meeting. But she had been reassured by a Seattle Times article that presented facts, not fears. The video was biased and by concentrating on homeless camps and the daily scene outside the Morrison Hotel, it presented a skewed version of the city. Diane pointed out that just one block north of 3rd & James, it is much quieter; that is where the #27 bus now stops.

Diane: Wine tasting results not ready yet as tickets were also sold at the Senior Center and meeting Dian Ferguson, Director, to get that report has been difficult.

Leschi News deadline is April 15; we are putting one emergency preparedness tip in each issue so it’s not so overwhelming for folks.

The May and June meetings were discussed, and it looks like we have good programs.

Leschi Diary: Shirley Vaughn in favor of updating and reprinting. Diane to check with Sharon Vaughn re: digitizing the original. Diane said she would have more time during the summer to work on the new pieces.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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