Restricted Funds
This month we look at the Wade Vaughn Memorial Fund. When our beloved historian, Wade Vaughn, died a few years ago, his family generously requested donations to be made to the Leschi Community Council.
For a bit, the Board struggled to decide the best use of these funds. We first thought of putting a bench at each street-end park, but the Parks Dept. beat us to that.
Coincidentally, we were having our annual Art Walk and we were impressed with the number of folks who stopped to look at The Leschi Diary and wanted to buy a copy. Unfortunately, it has been out of print for years and we have long wanted to update it and reprint it. It would be good to add projects like the String of Pearls to this history. This has been discussed with the Vaughn family and they approve of this project. Wade’s daughter Sharon is working on getting the original book scanned and we (the Board) are working on pulling together what we feel should be updates. If there are scribes in the neighborhood who wish to contribute, please feel free to send your contribution to the Board using our official address; 140 Lakeside Ave. Ste. A Box 2, Seattle 98122.
~Diane Snell