Executive Board meeting minutes
February, 11, 2019—LCC Board Meeting—
Meeting was cancelled due to snow and reports were given by email as follows:
Darrell Howe and Darcy Thompson conducted a very successful work party, planting many new conifers in a part of the Leschi Park woods that was devastated by the blowdown of many trees.
Leschi Mart was extremely well prepared for Snowmageddon. Speaking of preparation for emergency events, the store stayed open nearly the whole time and deserves our support.
Leschi Park is in greater use than ever, with neighborhood parents bringing their children to work off their built-up energies by building snow men and snow forts and coasting down the slopes in any manner of sleds and discs.
Diane Morris offered storage in her basement as her daughter had cleaned it out and there is lots of room.
Jim says selling the projector is not feasible; it’s too old and doesn’t have the bells and whistles of newer models. He suggests giving it to the Goodwill unless someone wants it. (John Barber came forward and promised to pass it on to the next generation.)
Need to discuss program for April. Eva has a neighbor who has done a lot of research on security and she felt that due to the number of incidents reported on NextDoor Leschi, it is a good topic for a meeting.
The Rio Thing is unable to make the new date for the wine tasting. Any ideas on music? (Janice suggested Garfield and we did get a jazz trio.)
No one else submitted any topics.
Janet Oliver trekking in Patagonia and back in mid-March.
~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell