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Our editor’s memories of Wade Vaughn

Diane Snell

When we first moved to Leschi, the previous homeowner passed on her copy of The Seattle Leschi Diary. We were delighted to find a photo and brief description of our house in the Diary and it was really our first introduction to Wade and the wonderful folks who made Leschi so special. I think of them as the Leschi pioneers, although it was long past the westward trek days.

Wade and his contemporaries had a real commitment to this community; it wasn’t just another stop in the road; it was the place they loved and where they worked to make it a better place. Art Mink showed his love for the community in his commitment to the Leschi News; it was an honor when he asked me to take it on in his later years.

Flora and Richard Cole worked with CORE to solve racial injustice and Flora worked hard to get the City to purchase the old nursing home on the ridge and make it a Senior Center for the community. Ed and Joan Singler were involved in creating a branch of CORE here in Seattle; they are at Horizon House now, but still subscribe to the Leschi News and we have frequent email exchanges.

I feel privileged to have known these pioneers and met them when they were still active. Wade was my walking history of Leschi and I often called him for details on the events that preceded our arrival. I did have to laugh at Shirley’s reporting that no one stepped forward to help with the work on the history of Leschi. We on the Leschi CC Board can identify with that! It seems to be a different world now.

~Diane Snell

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