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LCC General Meeting

Submitted by Diane Snell

October 2, 2016

TOPIC: Pro and con discussion re: Proposition I on Sound Transit expansion. The Membership did not endorse either position. These discussions are for educational purposes.

LCC business: The LCC Executive Board held a vote to amend LCC bylaws to add the executive board secretary as one of the signers on LCC financial accounts, and to add ‘as the interest rate environment permits’ to the requirement that LCC funds be held in interest bearing accounts. Both amendments were passed unanimously.

It has become apparent that the community would like to have more input on the other proposed bylaw changes, so we’ve postponed the votes on those items to allow more time to gather feedback. Specifically, the board is proposing two additional amendments: 1) requiring the LCC to seek a CPA’s advice annually on any Exempt Organization changes to the IRC, and 2) updating the bylaws to reflect current spending authorization limits. We anticipate voting on these amendments by the February general meeting. For questions, specific wording of the amendments, or to give feedback on these items please email us at

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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