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Executive Board meeting minutes

submitted by Diane Snell

July 13, 2016—Attending: Yousef Shulman, Yuki Igarashi, Diane Snell, Amy Fink, John Barber, Tracy Bier. Minutes: sent to Board members by email and approved and/or corrected by each member.

Treasury: Treasurer’s report: Amy is working on IRS forms and will be renewing state non-profit status before the deadline in November. Regarding banking issues she proposed opening a linked savings account in order to keep restricted funds available for intended projects but separate from operating funds. We also discussed adding a funded mandate for annual CPA reviews.

ArtWalk: We need to add restricted budgets to the treasury report for the ArtWalk and Art in the Park. The ArtWalk has its own budget based on fees for artist booths and the $1000 reimbursement for the Small Sparks grant which the Board voted to put in the 2016 ArtWalk fund. The 2nd fund is Art in the Park, which is focused on children and will be based in Leschi Park. A Small Sparks grant has been applied for and Leavitt is making a donation for the musicians. Posters and postcards will be available closer to the event.

Parks: John is distributing flyers for the East Precinct Picnic at Powell Barnett Park; six volunteers will staff the table and both John and Jim Snell will take photos of the event. Neighborhood map will be used at the table and we will have flyers for volunteer activities. John feels we need to increase the publicity efforts re: the open wading pool. The basketball courts at Flo Ware and Powell Barnett will be resurfaced. The Colman Viewpoint project is on hold; the planned meeting was cancelled, as Parks is concerned that too many trees would be cut. The Moorage contract with Foss will be written for a 40-year term; other details not yet known.

Land Use: Jeff had a conflict but sent a report which will be printed following the meeting notes.

Stairway Project: Yousef reported date change to July 23 due to conflict with the East Precinct picnic.

Marketing: Yuki said there is a new movers list, but it does cost. Mailing to the entire community was discussed and fees for both projects to be researched. Yuki also felt that working with the middle and high schools might bring us some volunteers who need community service hours.

Programs: Diane presented a list of possible programs for the fall: Vulcan re: the Promenade plan, ballot issues in October and the possibility of disaster planning. While the Board feels this is highly important, it seems the community would rather do something else and attendance has been poor in the past. Various ideas were discussed and will be pursued in the coming months.

Red Apple receipts: Red Apple will accept these to the end of the year, but we have no one to compile them at this time. Diane suggested tossing the minor receipts and just totaling the larger ones, but there was no taker. No decision on this yet.

Website: For technical and logistical reasons the board opted to migrate online content to a Word Press version of our current website. We have a well-received initial bid for the migration work. We’re in the process of refining our needs and expectations and hope to sign a contract with a local web design business in the next few weeks.

Website: Our layout /production manager Kirsten has expressed interest and we will be asking her to develop a contract the Board can review. Meanwhile we will rely on Facebook for timely communication and Board member email lists. Yousef expressed interest in a MailChimp program for quick notification of important events.

Brief discussion of CANDC’s (Central Area Neighborhood District Council) fate: the Mayor issued an executive order disbanding the neighborhood councils that have existed for 30 years. This is the arena where we often obtained support for our own neighborhood issues; it was brought up that the CANDC supported Leschi with a letter to the Mayor and the Council members in our efforts to being back full service of bus #27.

~Respectfully submitted by Diane Snell

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