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Executive Board meeting minutes

submitted by Amy Fink

February 9, 2016—Attending: Diane Snell, Diane Morris, Kim Murillo, Jeff Floor, Yousef Shulman, Amy Fink, Janet Oliver, John Barber, and Tracy Bier.


We rec’d a $1000 Sparks Grant as reimbursement for 2015 expenses. Kim made a motion to put the grant into a restricted fund to benefit the annual Art Walk. Diane noted that in doing this we would be forgoing general fund reimbursement to establish and Art Walk Fund. The motion carried, the vote was unanimous.


The current issue is the Promenade 23 redevelopment project. Several LCC board members attended the LURC and Vulcan public meetings. Affordability – both with the project and how it affects the neighborhood -- was a big issue with the neighbors in attendance. Also, there was an emphasis on keeping local businesses in the neighborhood and big-box stores out. Vulcan gave the impression they want their project to benefit the specific needs of the community.

23rd Ave Issues/Diane S.

Diane attended a meeting with small business owners and Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant. The ongoing SDOT work on the street is taking a toll on their businesses. The construction has made it difficult to police to respond to crime in the area (e.g. jewelry store incident). Diane and Tracy recommended that the council write SDOT about the situation. The council also discussed a shopping flash mob idea Madrona came up with to help businesses on 23rd.


  • Leschi Marina – Parks rewarded the contract to Foss.

  • Feedback about dogs in the parks – Is there a possibility for an off-leash area? Just FYI that this is being discussed.

  • Cheasty Bike Park – The hearing examiner overruled the city’s determination of non-significance, and the proponents will need to produce an EIS.

  • Frink Park – Some paths may have been built through wetlands; John and Darrell will inspect and report back.


Kirsten Hopperstad will work with Yousef on finding a hosting site and will work on the migration in June.

Stairways/Diane M.

Do we need to cancel the March stair clean due to weather? Also, if there are any stairways that should come first, please let Diane Morris know.


John proposed a general meeting featuring Foss to discuss Leschi Marina issues.

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