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Too High & Too Steep

Leschi Council

Our February program features David B. Williams, a freelance writer focused on the intersection of people and the natural world. This talk is based on his recently published book, Too High and Too Steep: Reshaping Seattle’s Landscape (University of Washington Press). Previous books include Stories in Stone: Travels Through Urban Geology and The Seattle Street-Smart Naturalist: Field Notes from the City. Williams also works at the Burke Museum and maintains the website

Williams spoke to us several years ago on his book The Seattle Street -Smart Naturalist. I have to recommend this book to anyone with children who have an interest in the outdoors; I took my grandson downtown with this book and we inspected the buildings to find the encrusted fossils. And his chapter on crows revised my opinion on these sometimes quarrelsome birds.

Come and learn a little bit new about the history of this area and the gutsy folks who changed what was! There will be time for book signing.

David B. Williams event

February 3, 7pm

Central Area Senior Center

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