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Presidents’ Message

Diane Morris & Diane Snell

Thank you to everyone who checked their labels and renewed their membership! And a special thanks to those of you who included something extra for our work in the community. And thanks to those who wrote some atta boys, i.e., “Thanks for all you do in the community! “

Now that we are in 2016, it seems like a good time to review the 2015 goals that we set. It’s certainly a mixed bag of success and failure!

We did keep up the stairway work until November; both rain and the fact that SDOT had recently cleaned the Spruce St. stairs forced us to cancel. We will start up again in March.

The Living Wall on the Lake Dell retaining wall became an impossibility as not enough space had been left at the base of the wall to install plants. We will consider other options, but they are significantly more expensive.

No threats to Bus #27 were perceived, but the best way to keep this bus is to ride it, so it’s up to all of us!

Great difficulties finding a date for the annual ArtWalk interfered with plans to have a concert on the pier, but that is still in our plans for this year.

Membership increased slowly; we did not have a membership drive and we need to discuss that for this year. There is strength in numbers and we need to increase our numbers.

NextDoor Leschi is now another venue for posting our events; thanks to Jeff Floor for keeping this up.

Improving relationships with Parks was a mixed bag according to John Barber, who has the most interaction with that department as our Parks Chair. In the November Leschi News, he detailed what worked and what didn’t. We need to keep a dialogue going with Parks.

We will create new goals for 2016; please forward any ideas you might have to

If you want to become more involved, check out the volunteer activities on our website at and do consider running for office in May. Our current officers are term-limited and we need new folks to step forward and assume these responsibilities. We’ll post the positions and the tasks in the March issue and you can always email us at or call 206-726-0923 if you want to talk to someone about the tasks involved for each position.

Be the change you want to see in the world. ~Gandhi

~Diane Morris & Diane Snell

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