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Executive Board Meeting minutes

Leschi Council

January 7, 2019—Attending: Janice Merrill Brown, Trevor Menagh, Diane Snell, John Barber and Tracy Bier.

There was no Treasury report with Janet away.

Janice suggested we review tasks for the wine tasting at the end of reports.

John Barber

The impending crisis over the failure of the LID to bring in the needed funds to complete the Waterfront Park was alleviated by the Mayor’s plan to use parking tax money to supplement. Diane brought up a possible concern: the city will negotiate with Parks re: maintenance for the Waterfront Park. Given that this park will be the jewel in the crown so to speak and puts on a good face to visitors, it is likely that the maintenance for this highly visible park will result in less maintenance for our neighborhood parks, which is already something like 20 years backlogged.

John also said there had been some unauthorized cutting at one of the String of Pearls, which he will address. Parks Board meets this coming Friday (1/11/19) and John will bring up maintenance issues.


We received a check from a Mt. Baker group, which was devoted to neighborhood security and was disbanding. Check in amount of $1206.49 was acknowledged and group thanked. Deadline for the February issue of the Leschi News is Jan 21. She wants to put a focus on the Senior Center for this issue to reinforce our support through the wine tasting. She also mentioned a possible program: the book about the Seattle strike has been reissued with a foreword by James Gregory, professor at UW. He has several speaking engagements around town and it would be interesting to hear this talk as this was the most successful and least disruptive general strike in any city. Diane also asked for help in storing some Leschi CC materials during construction at her house. Website issues were discussed and it seems the solution is to train more people to add and make changes as Yousef no longer able to help.


She is partnering with folks from the Madrona CC to do the follow-up emergency program: HOW to handle an emergency of wide proportions. They have agreed on a date of March 19 and it will be in the Senior Center dining room as there is a possible third community interested in participating.

Wine Tasting

Ticket purchase set up through Brown Paper Tickets as Valentine Wine Tasting. Publicity: Senior Center to make fliers; Janice to put on NextDoor Leschi. Food to be provided by Leschi CC. Music is Brazilian Jazz by the Rio Thing; they will perform two sets and will be paid $300. Senior Center staff will set-up. We need ticket takers and sellers the night of the event. Not sure how much cleanup will be needed but the food table for sure.

Next meeting

February 11 is AFTER the wine tasting.

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