President’s Message
We will be taking time off from our community meeting in March as our scheduled speaker is unable to attend, and we look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on Wednesday, April 5.
March is a month of changes for the LCC. First, I and the rest of the board want to sincerely thank Amy Fink for her tremendous service as the LCC Treasurer over the past several months. She was given the not-so-small task of rectifying the council’s non-profit status with the IRS. Not only did she do all the required research, complete lots of paperwork, and make countless phone calls (not to mention the obligatory hold time and music), she also set up the council for a much cleaner path to maintain our status moving forward. Thank you, Amy!
Gratefully, we are excited to welcome back a familiar face onto the board, who has graciously stepped forward to fill the role of Treasurer moving forward. Janet Oliver previously served as VP on the board the previous four years, and we are delighted to welcome her back. Welcome, Janet!
Furthermore, following very helpful board discussion and input, I’ve decided to appoint a few new chairpersons in an effort to help alleviate and balance the workload for the Treasurer’s role moving forward: Ad Manager, Restricted Funds Coordinator, and Events Coordinators. Please see the Changes on the Leschi CC Board article by Diane, and consider volunteering with us. These positions are a great way to get involved with the LCC in a more specific capacity. Please send me an email if you are interested in any of these positions!
I also encourage you to consider if you’d like to become even more involved with the LCC over the coming years by considering running for President of the LCC at this May’s election. I will be vacating my position as President this spring and welcome conversations with any interested persons in the coming months.
Yuki Igarashi