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President’s Message

Yousef Shulman

Happy October Everyone!

September has been a very busy month. The 5th Annual Art Walk was very successful. We had the largest attendance yet. I would like to put a huge shout out to all the hard work that these members of the Leschi Business Association did for the Annual Art Walk: Ann Conroy (Small World Productions), Cara Ross (Blue Heron Healing Arts), Diane Snell (Leschi Community Council), Andrea Gleason (Edward Jones), Dr. Michael Bilikas (32 Pearls), Chris Gribskov (Park Postal), Stephanie Smiley (Starbucks), Diane Morris (Leschi Community Council), David Yussen (Heavy Restaurant Group (Meet The Moon)) and Bart Evans (Blue Water Bistro).

We had a work party at one of the String of Pearls, the Judkins St. street end. It was very successful. A big shout out to all who came and volunteered their time.

Amy Fink, one of the Executive Board Members, is working to put together the Leschi vs. Madrona pay-to-play Ultimate Frisbee benefit game & potluck. All the proceeds from this benefit will go toward the Leschi Business Association & Leschi Market’s Annual Holiday Ham Drive. The Leschi Business Association works with Leschi Market every year to get a great deal on hams that customers can purchase for the Rainier Valley food bank at Leschi Market’s cash registers. Here are the current details of the event: it’s planned for October 15 in the grassy area of Leschi Park just east of the tennis courts. Look for all the details in Amy’s article in this issue.

Now that it is October, that means Halloween is right around the corner. The Leschi Business Association will once again be putting on their Annual Halloween Spooktacular. Look for the huge tent in Leschi Park on October 31, 4-6pm. There will be a map detailing all the participating businesses. And we do need help with the tent! See below.

I have been working with Kirsten Hopperstad, our newsletter layout artist, on the revamp of the website. We should have the website up and running before the end of October.

The Leschi Community Council needs volunteers for the following upcoming dates. All volunteer hours count toward any community service for students so please spread the word:

October 22: 10am to 12pm — Back to Judkins Street end where it meets Lake Washington Blvd. Bring pruning tools.

October 31: Halloween Spooktacular in Leschi Park.

We need many folks at 3pm to help raise tent and back at 6pm to take it down. The more we have, the quicker the tent goes up! Enjoy some cider and donuts for your efforts.

~Yousef Shulman

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