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Leschi Natural Area Update

Betsy Zickler

A recent meeting of the stewards of the Leschi Natural Area resulted in a fundraising plan to hire the Conservation Corps or a similar group to work in the newly acquired area where Parks removed the residence and walkway.

An authorized crew needs to be hired, as Parks won’t allow volunteers into the area. Parks’ latest directive indicated that they would return in the fall to plant native species BUT NOT TAKE OUT EXISTING INVASIVES! The group is hoping to raise enough money to be able to get a crew in there between now and then to remove as much as possible; the cost is about $1500 per day.

No funds are needed to purchase plants; Forterra will supply those from the group’s list. (Forterra is an organization that works in conservation and sustainability.) Plants will be delivered in the fall, and work parties are planned to get them into areas not involved with the Parks’ restoration area.

The Natural Area has been fortunate in getting volunteers from one of the University of Washington clubs: FIUTS, an organization that works with international students, connecting them with local community.

Jim Bushyhead is taking the lead on fundraising and hopes to visit not only neighbors in the area but other larger groups/businesses who might be willing to provide some substantial funding.

~Betsy Zickler, Leschi Natural Area

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