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Peppi's Woods: A Catalyst for Children's Imaginations

Now that Peppi's Woods has become an easier area to navigate, the children who frequent the woods daily after school wander about looking for sticks or digging for treasures such as old pieces of pipe. They discuss the rules for stick fighting and express great joy when they discover an old bottle that was discarded there many years ago. The woods for them represent adventure and opportunity.

Parents appreciate being able to view their children as they run through the woods. The adults have also developed a community as they watch their children play. The adults support each other as they help their children RESOLVE conflicts.

Volunteers continue to to be drawn to Peppi's Woods. A group of 20 Seattle University students cleared ivy and spread mulch on Earth Day on April. The following week, neighbors and parents of Leschi students continued to eradicate ivy, particularly at the south end of the park along the road. Kudos go to Hank Stephens and John Barber for their diligent work on the old growth ivy.

Jana Robbins, parent of Leschi students, and Liz Ohlson are currently taking Forest Steward training classes through Seattle Parks Department and Darrell Howe, Forest Steward at Frink Park, will be their mentor. We now have our own job box at Peppi's Park filled with tools from work parties. You will notice it chained to a tree near the brick building.

Our next work party will be Saturday, June 22, 2014 from 9:30 to 12:30. Tools, gloves and snacks are provided. Join us for the last work party of this school year. Use it as an opportunity to get to know the woods more intimately and help us continue to remove the invasive plants so we can add to our plant collection next November.

~Liz Ohlson

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